A few years later, I had lunch with a doula in the community and asked her all the questions. I did not even know that what I was stepping into was called a “Doula”. It was many more years, my 2nd miscarriage and bringing my second daughter earth side before I attended formal doula training. In 2016, I took my birth doula training with DONA International.
Just like many folx, I was laid off (not my first time) and I ultimately left my corporate career in 2017. My life was in the midst of complete overhaul. I had recently been accepted into a Yoga Teacher Training with Sacred Seeds Yoga School (before I knew my role was eliminated) and I considered cancelling my enrollment.
I am incredibly glad I went forward with YTT.
It was a life changing experience .
In 2017 I also completed my postpartum doula training with Pro-Doula and started my Reiki certification (I am currently a level II practitioner and completing my Master level with Molly Donlan).
I am quite certain the majority of people around me thought I lost my mind. My marriage was ending, I was experiencing severe depression and I left the corporate world to teach yoga, do energy work and assist pregnant folx on their sacred journey.